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flow is an independent visual zine curated by Shuangshuang Hao, who is an animator and illustrator. The zine is dedicated to discover undiscovered artworks by ordinary people with an unique perspective in mundane life, showcase their works, connect each other and encourage the spirit of independent art. 

flow embraces all kinds of visual art regardless of media, materials or contents, and is always willing to cross the boundaries of different art forms. flow believes that art is never a privilege and contemporary art allows ordinary people with / without art trainings to create, enjoy arts freely, and express themselves authentically. 


Before creating flow, the curator has noticed many interesting and playful artworks with unique perspectives created by her friends. And Shuangshuang thinks their works deserves more viewers. And that's how flow begins.


Every issue of the zine has its own keyword as a theme or topic. For each issue, flow invites 6 artists for 24 pieces of artworks in total, all artworks are different perspectives and interpretations from the artists for the issue's theme. flow focuses on mundane life moment, accept and respect all kinds of views from different artists, and also leaves spaces for audience to comprehend the artworks themselves.

flow's current artists are Shuangshuang's friends from different professional and cultural backgrounds. We are always on look out for new faces to join us. Please see 'get in touch' page.


每一期的《flow》都有一个关键词,也就是主题。每一期邀请至多6位作者,围绕这个主题提供一共24幅作品。《flow》专注于生活中普通的瞬间,重视每一个作者对于一个概念的主观 理解,与此同时留下大片的空间给观众和读者,让大家可以用属于自己的眼光去理解和阐述每一个作品。

《flow》的创办人Shuangshuang在创办杂志之前,就注意到身边有着许多具有独特艺术眼光的朋友们。这些朋友们大多数都是生活中的普通人,他们用自己的画笔或者镜头有意或者无意地记录着自己身边的日常生活。Shuangshuang从他 们的作品中看到了许多小小的、有趣的闪光点。Shuangshuang本人是一位独立动画师和插画师,需要时常去推广自己 的作品,在这样做的时候,她觉得,这些朋友们的作品也值得拥有更多的观众。

《flow》的每一期6位作者,都将来自世界各地不同的文化背 景,不同年龄与职业。创办人Shuangshuang相信,艺术从 来都不是一种特权,当代艺术的一个最大意义就是它允许每一个自由地、真实地参与艺术的创作和观赏。

《flow》于2017年初开始筹划,2017年夏推出第一卷,此后 将会不定期更新,第二卷初定于10月末推出。《flow》目前的作者都为Shuangshuang的朋友们,我们也期待着能寻找到新的伙伴加入我们。关于此请见‘get in touch’页面。

what is flow

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